Unsere 10b mit ihrem Englischlehrer Heiko Kist haben sich mit Lesen englischer Bilderbücher die Zeit während des Lockdowns verschönert.
Hier gibt es ein paar Erfahrungsberichte zu lesen:
Lockdown reading with picture books:
“This book really got me!”
Last March in lockdown we started a reading project with Mr. Kist in our online English lessons.
Everyone in class was allowed to choose a picturebook from a big collection. We got a short summary about each book and had a closer look at the covers and then we took a book home.
For each book there were individual tasks. I liked very much that the tasks were creative and versatile. In our BBB meetings we discussed the book in groups (there were always three people with the same book) and worked on the characters and the plot. I learned a lot about the books and at the same time I had a lot of fun with speaking and writing about the picturebooks. In the end we had to give a book talk where we shared our books online on BBB.
Linda Heizmann
I really liked that picturebook project because it was a good distraction from normal online schooling. I had the book “The Watertower” by Gary Crew. I really liked the exercises we did. My personal top three were the Instagram post, the review about the book and the task where we had to describe a “lost place” in our city. I talked about the old screw factory because it was so big and some parts of the building are still there. A scary place!
I really liked the project because it was something different in lockdown.
The picturebooks were not childish at all. They were kind of scary, creepy, interesting, some were funny and cute.
Jonas Thiede
Some more voices:
“This book really got me!” Yven about “The Promise” by Nicola Davies
“I really liked the pictures, because I love details and there were so many and I want to say that to the author and illustrator. It was a really nice book.” Jonas about “The Watertower” by Gary Crew
I liked the book and the message it gives you. Adrian about “Grandpa Green” by Lane Smith
Because I think it's a good way to learn English, because it's easier to remember everything with the pictures. Asparuh about “The Herd Boy” by Niki Daly
I think it's a different feeling to read a text in the coursebook that's just written down as opposed to really a book that's made for it, and then with pictures. That was just a different feeling for me. Sina about “Grandpa Green” by Lane Smith
What I really enjoyed about the book was, how real it could be. Lea about “The Wolves in the Walls” by Neil Gaiman